
Shropshire and Herefordshire Union of Golf Clubs

Burdass TrophyRound 1 Rules

Handicap Limit - normally 5 or less.


1. The Spring Trials Meeting is a scratch 36 hole individual medal competition for the Burdass Trophy. Incorporated are prizes for Morning, Afternoon, and Combined Rounds.

2. Play shall be in accordance with the Rules of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, the Club Local Rules and the Competition Rules.

3. All players wishing to enter must complete and return the entry form accompanied by the appropriate fees OR enter On-Line at (see back of form for process). Entrance fees will not be refunded unless intimation of a scratching is received before the closing date for entries, except for those entrants who may be balloted out, or those who have an international commitment, cannot compete, and give notice of withdrawal seven days before the event.

4. Handicap must be active and not normally exceed 5 at time of entry and entrants must be of Amateur Status as defined by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews. The Selection Committee will have discretion to invite worthy players of a higher handicap.

5. Entrants must be a member of an affiliated golf club in the County Union , or have been born in either county of this Union and be a member of an affiliated club in another English County.

6. Entrants must not have taken part the Championship of another County, or have represented another County Union in the 12 months preceding this Meeting.

7. The Competition Committee may refuse any entry without assigning any reason for so doing.

8. Approx. 42 to 60 players shall be allowed to compete. Replacement entries may be invited if
scratchings subsequently occur.

9. The Committee reserve the right to fix and/or alter starting times. In the event of play having to be
abandoned/postponed the Committee reserve the right to amend the rules of the competition.

10. Competitors shall be on the first tee at least five minutes before their starting time for each round. Any
competitor who is absent from the first tee when called upon to start will be disqualified.

11. In the event of a tie, the Burdass Trophy and prize vouchers will be awarded on a card count back
over the last 18, 9, 6, 3 and 18th holes. If unresolved the Trophy will be shared.

12. The Burdass Trophy will be a qualifying event for handicap purposes.

13. Any questions or disputes will be dealt with by the Administrator or the Competition Committee on the day, whose decision shall be final. If the Committee is not satisfied with an explanation for a breach of discipline the competitor concerned will be debarred from entering or taking part in any S&HUGC event for such period as the Committee shall decide.

The contact for this competition is Sean Gregory (07971280035)

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