
Shropshire and Herefordshire Union of Golf Clubs

This page will automatically refresh when a competition opens for signup
Upcoming CompetitionsDate InBooking Options
BURDASS Trophy 2024 Saturday 5th October7 daysOnline Signup
(Signup Closes at 12:00 am on 05/10/2024)
Herefordshire County Junior Championship Thursday 31st October33 days 
ONLY Herefordshire County Mens Championship 2025 Saturday 24th May 2025238 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 12:00 am on 01/01/2025)
ONLY Herefordshire County Mixed Championship 2025 Saturday 21st June 2025266 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 12:00 am on 01/01/2025)
ONLY Herefordshire County Senior Championship 2025 Thursday 26th June 2025271 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 12:00 am on 01/01/2025)
ONLY Herefordshire County Junior Championship Thursday 30th October 2025397 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 12:00 am on 20/10/2025)

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