
Shropshire and Herefordshire Union of Golf Clubs

  Team Information - Fixtures and Results.

  Sean McCarthy - County Team Manager

I've been privileged to be involved with County Golf for many years. In 2014/2015 I was the 2nd. team captain and then in 2016/2017 I was appointed as the County Captain. I was extremely proud to captain both the first and second teams. In 2019 I was appointed as the County Teams Manager. This role involves liaising with both captains as well as the admin committee to support the development of both teams       

Tel:  07533 228894

Craig Simmons - County Captain

Having played for the county for many years I was extremely privileged to be asked to be County Captain. Along with the admin committee, team manager and captain our aim is to not only promote the game at grass roots and elite level but to be competitive in doing so. I'm really looking forward to the next 2 years as captain, hoping to take the team from strength to strength as well as integrating any new players along the way.

Tel: 07773 391133

 Dave Fish - Second Team Captain

07368 520670

I have been involved with my club and county for many years and have been given the role of 2nd. team captain. I am very driven to succeed both individually and as a team player. I'm passionate about the game and will be looking to bring this to my team, supporting the young talent we have coming through and working hard to succeed.


First Team
Second Team
Match Results
First Team Results - 2024

Second Team Results - 2024

2023 County First Team Statistics

2023 County Second Team Statistics

Midland Golf Union

Midland League Results
Team of Six 

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