Grove Golf CentreWHS Handicap Calculator
Par 3 Avg - 3.96
Par 4 Avg - 6.16
Par 5 Avg - 7.57
You can now sort the results below by clicking on gross, nett or stableford
Competition | Date | Course | Gross | Nett | Sford |
Junior Par 3 Championship (Boys & Girls) | Saturday 12th October 2019 | The Grove | 70 |   | |
Junior Par 3 Championship (Boys & Girls) | Saturday 14th April 2018 | The Grove | 72 |   | |
Junior Handicap Championships H | Tuesday 29th August 2017 | Shrewsbury | 102 | 76 |   |
u14's/u12's Boys Championship H | Saturday 6th June 2015 | Chesterton Valley | 108 | 80 |   |